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Good PR,
- Restrictive Software

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The chances are that you are accessing this page using Microsoft Explorer on a <FX:drum roll....> 'Intel Inside', Pentium machine. If so, then unfortunately you've been conned into buying an out of date, inefficient machine - no doubt by glossy advertising or claims of running 'industry standard' Windows95 products.

No doub't you don't want to hear this about your shiny new computer, but nonetheless, it is true. Why did you buy your computer? Did you see the glossy adverts or the slick TV commercial? Did you see the multi-coloured dancing morons in their shiny Intel suits? It's a bit sad that people who want to invest in a computer for the future, get conned so easily by glossy PR hype.

Being someone who values productivity and usability above lying marketing hype, I set up this site in order to set the record straight and reveal some of the lies and misinformation about the greatest restriction on modern computing.... the Microsoft Windows operating system - and Microsoft products in general, as well as the hugely inefficient Intel processors.

How many times has Windows 95 crashed your machine, lost some valuable work, or generally made you more unproductive?

In fact, how many times have you cursed the computer and thought that computers were supposed to be simple to use? How many times have you wished that you could turn the computer on, write a quick letter and print it out - without the endless hassle of tedious warning messages, supposedly helpful warning messages and incompatible or new hardware detected messages?

I've actually been amazed at the level of support for this campaign - not unique - and have had many hundreds of email messages offering support and agreement. Most of the emails against my arguments have actually been by rather ignorant people who know that they are wrong, but simply want to carry on promoting Microsoft, presumably in the misguided impression that is actually not that bad - or simply people who enjoy a good argument or 'flame war'.

Do feel free to offer comments, articles for inclusion and/or links to your own site. The more we can demonstrate to the buying public, the dangers of Microsoft and the use of their bug filled software, the more our campaign will snowball - ending, hopefully, with the collapse of Microsoft.
